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CHASE Circular Processing


In our Area 3, we offer you Circular Process Streams that deal with the central question how data knowledge management could innovate your circular process streams and the demonstration of the performance potential of next generation processes by means of real pilot living labs.

Gunnar Spiegel


DI Dr. Gunnar Spiegel, Area 3 Manager

Coordination Digital Infrastructure


+43 664 78736155



Ass.Prof. DI Dr.mont. Jörg Fischer, JKU Linz

o. Univ.-Prof. DI Dr.mont. Reinhold W. Lang, JKU Linz

Univ.-Prof. DI Dr. Christian Paulik, JKU Linz




Bilfinger, Borealis, Covestro, Engel, EREMA, Greiner Packaging, Körber Pharma Austria, Renolit



  • Data management into knowledge enabling data-driven modeling for maximization of predictive capabilities of the models. leading to a new paradigm in hybrid model design.

  • Model based process design solutions.

  • Workflows and methods allowing continuous processing of circular streams.

  • Dynamic evaluation and validation as well as the demonstration of new generation demonstrator products and processes within smart living labs helps to ensure sustainability.

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  • ​Application oriented bottom up design by consideration of industry and SME-requirements.

  • Specific in-line process monitoring technology (Area 2).

  • Big data analysis driven by optimization of the overall plant dynamics.

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  • First principles based modeling for analysis, system design and automatic control, like non-linear model predictive control technology.

  • Hybrid modeling by means of first principles and heuristic modeling extracted from runtime data. 

  • Multiparametric Control strategies for continuous processing.

  • Technology based smart living labs for evaluation and demonstration.

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  • Improved quality assurance and process understanding due to developed prediction models based on transferring data into knowledge.

  • Novel feedstock preconditioning as advanced recycling technology  solutions. Best design of the recycling plant key components by hybrid model design.

  • Up-scale of recipe and process based on multidimensional model based predictions.

  • Experimental evaluation and validation of developed models within smart living labs.

  • Open source libraries of workflows and models enabling continuous processing circular streams.

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Competence Center CHASE GmbH


Hafenstraße 47–51

Bauteil B, 3. Stock, Top B3.1

4020 Linz



Phone: +43 664 9658923




FN 518392t, LG Linz, ATU74905025

Vienna site:


Competence Center CHASE GmbH


Ghegastraße 3, Top 3.2

1030 Vienna


Head of Vienna site: Dr. Martin Kraft​


Phone: +43 664 8186580





The Competence Center CHASE GmbH is enabling the Chemical Process Industry to become more sustainable, energy-efficient and resource-saving. As a European Research and Technology Center for Chemical Systems Engineering from Austria, we are part of the COMET Competence Centers for Excellent Technologies Program, funded by BMK, BMAW, the Federal States Vienna and Upper Austria and its scientific partners, managed by the FFG.

FFG The Austrian Research Promotion Agency
Bundesministerium für Klimaschutz, Umwelt
Wirtschaftsagentur Wien
UAR Upper Austrian Research
Land Oberösterreich

The NON-K project BIOCYCLE-UA and BIOCYCLE-UA II is supported by the federal government of Upper Austria and the European Regional Development Fund (EFRE) in the framework of the EU-program IWB2020.


© 2020 by Competence Center CHASE GmbH

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